We are very proud of our Year 13 students who have been applying to universities across the world. As part of their applications, our art students have also had to share and present their impressive individual portfolios. Their efforts and results have earned them offers at prestigious universities. We wish all our Year 13 and Year 11 students the very best of success in their forthcoming assessments and preparations for their final exams.
From the photos you can see Primary students enjoying the new Art facilities and being inspired by the works of our oldest students which surround them.
Year 4 Visit to the Dentist
Thanks to the staff of ‘Cool Smile’ Year 4 students had a really successful visit to the dentist. We now have budding dentists in the class and all the children learnt so much about looking after their teeth. This is one of those visits that will have a real impact on the children. They now really understand the importance of not just brushing their teeth but doing it thoroughly. Ms Laura and Ms Hannah were full of praise for the organisation of the visit and the patience of the ‘Cool Smile’ staff. Visits to the dentist will now be an enjoyable feature of our curriculum.

Covid Quarantines
Thank you to those parents who have kept us updated with positive cases of Covid-19 that within families or close contacts. We are advised that if a student is in close contact with a positive case that there should be a quarantine period of 5 days since the last day of the contact. The contact day is counted as day zero. After the fifth day and as long as the ATK test is negative, children can return to school.
Update on discounts
During the time of extended online learning a discount of B500 was given for each day of online learning. The school did make some small savings during this time and this was passed on to parents with the additional refund as an acknowledgement of the challenging times parents were also facing. This term there are limited days of online learning for quarantines and the school is fully functioning, so there are no savings. We will not therefore be offering any discounts for the days of online learning that result from one-off quarantine periods.
Musicians of the Month
Congratulations to Mark (Y3) and Max (Y7) for being chosen as Musicians of the Month by Ms Neina. Ms Neina particularly praises Max’s determined approach to the way he has developed his keyboard skills. Mark has been working really hard and has been able to work out melodies by singing and playing the glockenspiel.
The composer of the month is Haydn. Students across the school will be listening to these particular compositions.
Haydn 2nd Movement – Military Symphony
Surprise Symphony Listening Map
Best wishes,

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School