It is lovely to see school events and activities gradually returning. Class and individual photos went ahead this week and as well capturing some lovely shots of your children, great fun was had.
As you can see from the photos below Year 1 and Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their expedition to the Pranburi mangroves and the visit has been a great source of inspiration now they are back in class. There are more visits planned, to support learning across the school.

Welcome to K Pachara
We extend a warm welcome to K Pachara who has joined us as a Teaching Assistant in Key Stage One. K Pachara was previously a TA in England and as you can see in the final photo above, is already fully immersed in supporting the children’s learning.
Sports’ Days – Y1 to Y11
These will take place in the week beginning June 6th and we do invite parents to join us. There will be spaces for parking in the car park at the end of the campus, as well as along the road. Please enter via the main gate as usual, so that we can ensure all Covid-19 precautions are followed. Please bring your own water bottles.
The sports will begin at 8:40am each morning – as follows:

Running and Fitness ECA
In preparation for Sports Days, there will be a change of days for Running Club this week. Please come on Thursday 2nd June at 7.30am – everyone is welcome to join. Remember to bring water and lots of energy. Mr Lewis
Creative Studies

Several groups of Year 7 to 10 Secondary students have been busy throughout this year working on projects to identify, develop awareness and address issues of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The judges of the Global Social Leaders competition were particularly impressed by the quality of projects this year and the meaningful impact young people at Hua Hin International School have delivered.
All the teams gained special recognition for their resilience; demonstrating outstanding achievement in the face of great adversity as a result of the global pandemic.
Mr Jeremy
Year 9 History
Year 9 History students have each recently completed a Pecha Kucha (a Japanese term meaning ‘chit-chat’). This particular format of presentation requires the students to consider how to explain their chosen historical inquiry question in a series of timed slides or images, each shown for the same amount of time. Student-created questions were designed to look at a really wide and interesting range of topics, and demonstrated a variety of historical inquiry skills such as causes, consequences and significance:
– What caused the Deepwater Horizon accident in 2010 and what were the consequences it created?
– How has skateboarding culture impacted society in towns and cities today?
– Why did Giulia Tofana decide to invent Aqua Tofana makeup?

Each inquiry question was created and researched by the students before they constructed their Pecha Kucha and wrote a script to accompany it. I was very impressed that the Year 9 students took this opportunity to find a topic of interest to them and present for 150 seconds without notes or reading material with such enthusiasm, and I look forward to seeing further evidence of their independent inquiry skills as they launch their final independent project in Key Stage 3 Humanities. Mr Jeremy
Public Holiday
Just to remind you that Friday June 3rd is a public holiday in Thailand and our school will be closed on that day.
Best wishes,

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School