It was great to see happy students and parents arriving at school this morning. We particularly welcomed our new students, who have gamely been online with us all term.
As you would expect, we are applying COVID-19 precautions very rigorously. We have changed the structure of the day slightly so that different phases and year groups remain separate in the canteen and at break times. Since our enrolments are increasing, these staggered lunch times will also remain in place during the next academic year.
The emphasis for our the students in the next three weeks is to have minimal screen time, lots of interactive learning and also to begin the transition for moves into the next year group and for some students, into a whole new phase of education.
Traffic Flow for Drop-offs and Pick Ups
We continue with our one way traffic flow and different drop off points for the students. Here is the link for our new parents and as a reminder.
Construction Update on our Secondary Building Developments
All is going well and on time for the construction of our three- storey Secondary Building, as the photos show. The foundations are just being completed and columns and walls will soon be seen peeping over the fencing around the site.
Thank you for your support in adhering to the COVID-19 precautions. Most importantly, if there are any signs that your child is not well or has a fever then please keep them at home.
Best wishes
Julie Way
Hua Hin International School