
Positions available at Hua Hin International School

Secondary Geography Teacher starting in April or August 2025

We are looking for an outstanding Secondary Geography Teacher who shares the importance we place on our ‘I’ values and can bring them alive through their teaching.

Please send a letter of application and CV to

Secondary Maths Teacher for August 2025

We are looking for an outstanding Secondary Maths Teacher who shares the importance we place on our ‘I’ values and can bring them alive through their teaching.

Please send a letter of application and CV to

Click here to apply through TES

The Context of  Hua Hin International School

HHIS opened in August 2015.   The school continues to flourish. We now have just over 400 students from age 2 years  to 18 years old.   We gained full international ISQM in 2018 through UK based inspectors.   We are accredited as a Cambridge International Assessment Centre and we are proud to be recognised as an IB World School. We started teaching the  International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in August 2020.

Hua Hin town is developing very quickly and the development of our school goes hand in hand with the development of the wider Hua Hin community.  We have a truly international student population. English is the dominant language. 

The philosophy:

As I hope the website makes clear, the school is  very firmly centred around the concept of child-centredness and this consideration will override all others. 

What this means in practice is that children are fully engaged by the work we provide because it matches their needs and stages of development. While as a staff we are completely clear about the expectations we have on behalf of the children and track their progress very carefully, their individuality is not to be sacrificed by artificial expectation of performance compared with external norms. 

We  use our moderated collective professional judgment and experience when assessing children’s standards of achievement and evaluate those expectations against a variety of measurement devices but we will specifically not be tied to a testing regime that constrains so many schools.

We adopt an extended Primary model into our Middle School (Key Stage 3 in UK Secondary schools) and therefore avoid narrowing the educational process into a three-year programme of pre-IGCSE ‘exam-prep’. Due to this approach our first IGCSE results were outstanding both in terms of progress and attainment.  We have an expectation that our IB results will also be exemplary both in terms of absolute levels of achievement and in terms of individual student’s successes because of our holistic approach.

Conditions of Teacher Employment

At HHIS we wish to be seen as a good employer and we take the issue of staff retention very seriously. It is important therefore at the recruitment stage, for everyone to be clear about  the salary and benefits package that accompanies a teaching position at our school. Please feel free to raise questions if there are any issues that you think need further clarification.

The information below is just a brief summary of the details contained in the standard contract of employment. If there is any doubt concerning the interpretation of this summary then the contract itself is the superior point of reference.

Salary Scales

Our  teachers receive a net monthly salary paid in Thai Baht. Entry to the 25 point salary scale is according to qualifications and experience and movement up the scale is made at the start of each academic year.  

Settling‐in allowance

Upon arrival in Thailand, each expatriate teacher will receive a one‐off payment of 30,000 Baht to assist with the purchase of essential household items for their new home. Any costs incurred with the shipment of personal effects must be borne by the teacher and these costs can be deducted from this amount.

Repatriation allowance

Upon leaving the company’s employment each teacher will receive a repatriation allowance equal in value to the settling‐in allowance they received on arrival.

Bonus payments

Assuming satisfactory performance, all teachers will receive a two‐month salary bonus upon completion of each two‐year contractual period. This bonus payment is approximately 8% of salary and is considered to be equivalent to the UK employer’s pension contribution.



Teachers who are employed on expatriate contracts, together with their contractual dependents, will receive annual economy fights. This includes start and end of contract flights. The school will calculate the cost of these flights by averaging economy ticket prices across 5 major carriers on May 1st each year and the cash value will be paid into the employee’s June salary. The costs of these annual flights will be calculated within 3 contractual home zones: 

  • Heathrow for all European contractual home destinations 
  • Sydney for all Southern Hemisphere contractual home destinations 
  • New York for all North American contractual home destinations

Teachers will receive this payment as cash, which can be used for any purpose. 

The school will pay the additional income tax attracted by this contractual benefit. 

Medical Cover

The school’s medical scheme provides a good level of health insurance. Just like all such schemes there are pre‐set limits and details of these are available from the school.

Police clearance and other formalities

All teachers appointed to HHIS are required to demonstrate that they are cleared by authorities in their own countries to teach children. For example, in the case of UK teachers, this means providing proof of clearance from the UK Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks (previously CRB checks). Everyone must also be in possession of originals of their University Diploma or Certificate showing that they are appropriately qualified to teach the subject/age group for which they are applying. If for some reason these are not available, then fully authenticated copies must be provided. In the absence of these documents, it is extremely difficult to secure teaching licences, work‐permits and appropriate visas in Thailand and we may not be able to consider your application.

Accompanying dependants

HHIS benefits from having staff who represent a broad range of ages and personal circumstances. For the current vacancies, we welcome applications from single teachers, teaching partners and those with children, but we need to be very cautious when considering employing anyone who has a partner who will not be employed upon arrival in Thailand.

Like all countries, Thailand has strict immigration and employment laws and these make it extremely difficult for non-Thais to simply arrive in the country as a dependent of an employed person and then look for work. This will almost always be impossible to achieve.

So, if you are considering applying for a teaching position at our school and have a partner who intends accompanying you, please let us know now, by sending his/her CV and explaining your joint plans. If we then shortlist you for interview, we will also ask your partner to attend, so that we can help assess the likelihood of the proposed move being a happy one for everyone concerned. 

Next Steps

We are interested in meeting you if you identify closely with our values – even if your professional experience has not so far enabled you to develop the associated skills.  What matters is the heart you bring to the task. 

Of course if you have already been lucky enough to work successfully in a school that is also committed to these values, then we are especially keen to meet you. 

HHIS provides a strong technological infrastructure and everyone will naturally be expected to be both comfortable with current technology as it relates to children’s experience of school and also be completely open to further, rapid technological development in their own lives. Technology is for everyone and not just the ICT people.

As well as a CV we require a letter stating how you will bring our values alive and how you would like to contribute to the development of our school.