HHIS Directors

Roy Barrett (Chairman)
Roy has been involved with the Governance of International Schools in Thailand for over 30 years and brings with him, enormous experience of local and international business. He originates from the UK where he worked at Price Waterhouse before coming to Thailand over 40 years ago and rising to become Finance Director of a major International company based in Bangkok. Roy can be contacted on enquiries@huahinschool.com

Graham Sullivan
Graham came to Thailand in 1992 to take up the post of Headteacher at Bangkok Patana School and during his 7 years as Head, the school was transformed into the large International School with the reputation for excellence that it enjoys today. Prior to coming to Thailand, Graham was a Headteacher and Educational Inspector in the UK and brings all that experience to our school. Graham is very closely involved with the establishment and running of HHIS and can be contacted by email on enquiries@huahinschool.com

Monica Sudhirak
Monica has worked as a head teacher at four different International Schools and prior to that, was Head of Bangkok Patana’s Early Years Unit for a number of years. She was then founding head of the first St. Andrews School in Thailand and has been Head of St. Andrews Samakee (www.standrews-samakee.com) since it opened in 2000. From the beginning of her teaching career, Monica has specialised in Early Years education and recognises the crucial importance of play as a context for young children’s learning.

Tabietha Sudhirak
Tabietha was born in the United States and has worked with the St. Andrews Group of schools for 25 years. She undertook her teacher-training in the U.K. and has a Masters Degree in Special Educational Needs. During her career, she gained experience of working with children from Nursery to Year 4 in the U.K., Finland and Thailand. Tabietha has been the Special Educational Needs coordinator at St. Andrews Samakee for the past 15 years, as well as the Early Years Foundation Stage team leader. She is a keen photographer and art enthusiast and particularly loves working on creative projects with the children.