Eco Shool @ HHIS
1. What are Eco-Schools?
Eco-schools are part of a global programme engaging millions of children across 67 different countries, making it the largest environmental schools programme in the world. WWF-Thailand has been the Eco-Schools National Operator for Thailand since 2016. At HHIS we are proud to be one of the newest schools to register at this very exciting program.
2. What is our aim at HHIS?
The aim of the Eco Team this year is to attain Eco-School status and to involve all students and the school community alike into becoming more environmentally aware and eco-friendly!
3.How does the Eco award work?
The Eco-School programme provides a framework for learning and action around nine topics – biodiversity, energy, global citizenship, health and well-being, school grounds, transportation, climate change, waste management and water resources. It follows a very simple seven-step process to lead schools on their journey to achieving a Green Flag Award.
4. Who is involved?
The programme is pupil-led and encourages whole school involvement. It also encourages closer links between schools and their communities. It offers many benefits for individual pupils, developing their knowledge and skills and improving their well-being.
5. Highlights of 2020/2021
- We have hosted a visit with the local Trash Heroes representatives and we have visited one of their current projects at Riad Hotel in Hua Hin where we have learned about how food compost bins work. This link has led to the Y7 maths and sciences students designing and managing a project to build our own compost bins at school, to reuse food waste and green cuttings into organic compost for our gardens.
- Y10 Global perspective students are also working on food reduction methods. They are currently involved in the research and analysis of current food waste in the school canteen and looking into alternative ways to reduce our food waste at school.
- The Eco Team members together with Human Resources team at school have managed to buy new recycled cardboard bins for every classroom in school. They designed the plastic and paper waste labels, and after assembling the bin boxes, we are happy to say, all waste in classrooms are now been separated and ready to be collected by the local recycling plant in Hua Hin.
- Y12 Eco Team students have been very busy designing and researching how to build our very own Aquaponics garden, together with the support of the wider community. The project has now been approved, and we are hoping to start building the garden as soon as we are back to school. This project will encourage the growth of our own vegetables in a green manner.
- Y8 students have been involved in the design of raised garden beds, which looks at combining the growth of vegetables, flowers and herbs organically at school. Once their research and choice of design is completed, they will be actively building a garden at school.
- Primary students are focusing on a Green curriculum this second term and we will be sharing all their activities with you soon in our dedicated Eco Team section.
- Students are encouraged to use the mobile app ‘Task.io’. This is a collaborative project to encourage everyone to complete tasks that meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We look forward to hearing your ideas and contribute to this wonderful project!
Thankyou from the Eco Team and all Eco students at HHIS.
HHIS ECO Schools Presentation 2022
Projects 2021/2022
We are proud to announce that on our first year as an Eco School, HHIS has been awarded the Silver Flag award.
Among our priorities this year is to continue working toward the Green flag award, and becoming an even greener school.
Our next steps to achieve the Green award:
HHIS has completed 80% of the work needed for the first Eco-Schools Green Flag.
These are the next 7 steps for the 2021/ 2022 academic year:
- Eco committee: open to parents / carers, partners, sponsors, teachers and students. If you want to take part, please let us know!
- Environmental review / Action plan / Monitoring and evaluation: This information is available in our Newsletter as well as the Eco board.
- Link to curriculum: this year, we are expanding our Eco work directly to Creative Studies curriculum, as well as having many links within a wide range of school subjects. This will give us the opportunity of expand our Eco knowledge and work across all school areas.
- Inform and involve: please follow our Facebook, Newsletters and watch this space to hear all about our news, campaigns and projects.
- Eco code: currently under development, we are looking to create this year Eco code for HHIS.
As always, we are very happy to hear from you with any Eco ideas, projects or suggestions not matter how big or small. Just remember….
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” – Dalai Lama.
Term 1 activities:
Environmental review:
Continue working on food waste reduction, and expand our Eco garden to create awareness of self-sufficient food growth and organic planting.
- Aquaponic system;
The fish tank has been assembled and fish are now living comfortably in it! A garden section has been allocated and students have been looking at installing self-made solar panels in it.
- ‘Solar Engineering’
Our young engineers used their innovative ideas and research skills to come up with a prototype for our school buildings and investigate ways that solar energy could be used for projects as the school continues to grow. We are delighted with their efforts and creative ways to help the school and our plane
- Eco Gardens:
Students have been designing and planning our Eco Garden behind the library and small swimming pool during their ECA’s. We have collected old tyres from car garages around the school as well as the Go Kart HH. Students collected plastic bottles and visited Zaythong Hydrofarm in Huahin to learn about garden design and possibilities for our garden. We received a kind donation of fruit trees who were planted at our gardens.
- Whole school Eco Mural competition
- We were pleased to announce our winner Ingid V (Y10) and her design will be the main piece of our Eco Gardens.
ATL: As part of the Secondary ‘Approaches to Learning Challenge Days’ on Thursday and Friday 6th and 7th of January , a great number of students joined the Go Green project.
Some of the activities that took place were:
-Tyre garden wall
– Brick spiral herbs garden
– Vertical recycled bottle garden
– Tomato and passion fruit gardens
– Eco labels (research plants and label design)
– Eco mural (Ingrid, Y10)