HHIS ECO DAY on the 28th of June 2022

On Tuesday the 28th of June, the whole school and our local community will be getting together to enjoy some fantastic workshops, shows and achievements all led by our Eco students.

We are delighted to host our partner charity Bring the Elephant Home, who will have a stall to raise funds for their conservation with elephants project in Kui Buri. There will be student led Eco workshops, an Eco Fashion Show, and our very first staff Eco race, which will be aiming to raise funds for BTEH among other great Eco activities. 

In the meantime, the school Eco garden continues to  progress, with daily visits from our primary and secondary students, and many Eco related activities are taking place in school this term from the Sunflower project and  study of  the life of caterpillars in Early Years, to Y10’s and Y12’s finishing our spiral herb garden which uses our very own compost!

Early Years Sunflower growing project and caterpillar explorations.

Primary students have been reading many inspiring stories to ensure their Eco Day projects are well resourced and informed.

Fast Fashion
Students in Y7 – 9 have also been inspired by the topic of Fast Fashion in PSHE lessons. Students have been inquisitive and have worked together to research the A-Z of ethical fashion as part of the GDA Campaign. Students have been keen to discover ways to support people and our planet in a sustainable way. Later this term, Y9 will then be showcasing their own sustainable fashion designs as part of the HHIS Eco Day. This day promises to be full of exciting and meaningful activities for the children and just to give a heads up; students will be encouraged to support the day by wearing a recycled outfit or something green.
Primary students looking after the Eco garden on a weekly basis.
Year 8 students have been taking part in the ‘global actions campaign’ this term as part of their science lessons, which this year focuses on Biodiversity. Students took samples to test the soil and water for its pH and salinity. They also carried out quadrat sampling to look at the biodiversity of different species of plant at the park. Students also looked at how human interference may have affected biodiversity. This was a great opportunity for students to appreciate the importance of biodiversity and why it has been picked as the top priority this year for the global actions campaign. 
Staff Eco Race, Tuesday 29th of June, do not forget to bring your donations!
As part of our mission to be ‘greener’, we have found a local coffee pods provider in Bangkok, and the pods can be placed in the compost after they have been used. 

We recommend this coffee pods to our community ☺

We look forward to sharing our Eco day activities with you shortly!

Very best wishes from the Eco Team.