Christmas celebrations have filled the school with excitement over the last few days. A whole string of Christmas events all led by the students themselves have brought the Christmas spirit well and truly into our school. In addition to the fun, the students have raised a staggering 65,656.75 baht from: the Chamber Choir contributions, Christmas Fair, Freewear Friday and there is still a Games day to come for Secondary students. All the proceeds will go to Operation Smile.
Particular congratulations go to the Enterprise Group: Xavier, Danny, Sam Kaylian and Marvin for your organisation and inspiration, to KS2 for your wonderful crafts and innovations that generated such a fantastic Christmas Fair and to the Social Enterprise ECA group of Annalise, Austin, Asia, Naris (Yr 9) and Kevin (Yr7) who raised the most of any single business with a huge total of 11,350 baht generated from their stalls ‘Splat the teacher’ and ‘Christmas Candles’. It was a really magical morning, full of Christmas spirit and joy. The Senior and Junior Choirs added to the whole atmosphere and we were also entertained by the ECA ‘Musical Theatre Dance’ group.
Thank you all for supporting the students so magnificently. Poster by Kymon
Key Stage Two – Christmas Around the World
Sweeping all challenges aside, the KS2 students delighted us all this afternoon with their highly innovative Christmas Performance. The masks hide the beaming smiles and enjoyment but the joy of taking part in a Christmas show was most evident. Congratulations to all of KS2, teachers and to our IT
Video link: click here

HM King Bhumipol, Rama IX – remembered
The students took time last Friday to show their respect for the achievements of the late HM King Bhumipol, Rama IX.
Secondary Building
The new Secondary building is looking quite amazing and will be ready by the end of January. . Meanwhile, students will carry on using the villas.
Holidays ahead
It is hoped that this Christmas and New Year we are all able to celebrate with our families. Some reunions have been long awaited and will be momentous and precious. I wish you all a heartfelt Happy Christmas and New Year. Term 2 will begin on January 6th 2022.
Best wishes

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School