It was such a pleasure to welcome our students back into school today. We extend an especially warm welcome to the 17 new ones who joined us this morning.
We are all now well versed in the implementation of precautionary measures against COVID-19. As well as our extensive cleaning and ventilating routines we strictly adhere to:
- The wearing of masks;
- Regular and thorough hand-washing;
- Social distancing.
We also limit contact between different key stages in the school.
A condition of opening is that parents should not enter the school site in groups. Please do keep in touch with us by email or make an appointment to meet us after school hours.
Swimming Pool Opening
We are delighted to announce the opening of our new 25m Swimming Pool and the spacious classroom accommodation above the changing rooms. It really is a wonderful facility, which our students are already thoroughly enjoying.
Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs)
We will be able to commence ECAs next week but due to the current restrictions we will be limiting the number of students in each activity and students will only be allowed to choose a maximum of 3 ECAs a week. Supervision will be provided in the library for children in Years 1 to 6 who travel on school buses or need to wait for their siblings. Mr Jeremy will be sending further details on Wednesday.
Let’s Reduce Food Waste – Y10 Waste Warriors
Students from Y10 studying Global Perspectives: Bia, Leah Lisa, Yon and Yumi gave a clear and informative presentation to the children in Lower Primary this morning to spread the message that we should all try to reduce the amount of food that is wasted. Their video, which they created during online learning, demonstrates the effects of wasting food and how we can work together to reduce the amount of food that we waste. Here is a link to their video: