Parents’ Meetings
Parents’ meetings for Early Years and Primary Students will now take place on-line next week. Teachers are keen to describe children’s progress as well as discuss the next steps in their learning and development. To further inform discussions Primary Teachers will be sharing some scans of the children’s work during the Googlemeets.
K Ked will be sending out the appointment schedules for these meetings later today (Monday).

COVID-19 Precautions
We continue to follow all precautions and requirements set out by the Thai Public Health Ministry and the Ministry of Education. Last week, both Ministries were quick to give support and advice following our one-day closure to check on a reported case within our wider school community. This incident has been a clear reminder that all the existing precautions continue to be very necessary – both within school and in all of our daily lives.
It will still be necessary to limit parents’ entry into school but I hope that the arrival of vaccines into Thailand will enable everyone to adopt a more relaxed approach before too long. We really do miss the daily contact with you parents.

Soi dogs Appeal
Students and staff enjoyed the non-uniform day on Friday and donated very generously to the Soi Dog Foundation Charity. Lydia and Tilly (Y8), who organised and promoted the day were delighted with the total donations of 12,500 THB and thank everyone for their support.

This month KS3 and IB Spanish students are participating in the Global event ‘Locura de Marzo’!
What is it?
– Locura de Marzo is a celebration of Hispanic culture and language that helps introduce students to new songs and encourage them to actively engage with culture and language.
– Locura de Marzo creates excitement for language learning by including Spanish students around the globe!
What are the rules?
-Two songs battle each day starting on February 25th
-Students will listen to the song in class, or on their own at home and vote for their favourite song to advance to the next round.
-Voting for each “battle” will only be available on the day that the battle takes place.
We look forward to hearing the final winning song! Gracias. Profe Alicia.
Best wishes,

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School