We have reached the final week of a somewhat challenging year. But as you will see from the Annual Reports coming to you this week, the attainment, progress and attitude to learning shown by our students has not faltered and is a cause of celebration. Each of our inspections has recognised that progress made by our students is a strength and this year is no exception.
When we first opened the school, 6 years ago now, we promoted our ‘I’ Values and this year particularly, we have seen tangible evidence of how these values have impacted on the dispositions and development of our students as they faced and overcame challenges. The emotive, warm and inspiring ‘rite of passage’ speeches of our Year 11s last week were further testament to the importance to build these strong dispositions for learning as they are key life skills. Their commitment to learning, overcoming challenges and to supporting each other shone through. We wish them every success on their next journey, as they will embark on their International Baccalaureate Diploma studies in August.
Farewells and Thanks
I know you will join me in wishing Ms Jo, Ms Faye, Mr Sam, Ms Claire, Ms Shu-Yi and Ms Rochel well as they will be leaving us to continue their different professional journeys. These teachers have made a huge impact on students and have played a great part in enabling our school to flourish. Their individual contributions to our school will be treasured. We thank each teacher for all they have given to the school.
Waste Warriors – Award winners.
Congratulations to Bia, Leah, Lisa, Yon and Yumi who got through to the semi-finals of the Global Social Leaders Award and gained a ‘Learners’ Award’. This was earned by ‘demonstrating that they have learnt a significant amount about themselves as individuals and a team as well as how to create an impactful social action project to address Sustainable Development Goals within their community.’ https://www.globalsocialleaders.com/learning-award/ .
This project will continue, ensuring that food waste is kept to a minimum within our school.
Puzzle of the Week – Global Maths Competition
In the last week of this competition HHIS are top of the overall leader board. Years 7,9 and 10 are leading their age groups with Y8 in 3rd place. We just need students to keep up their efforts for the final week and the final push – it is all very close!
Friday’s Deep Clean
Following the disinfection by The Subdistrict Administrative Organisation Hin Lek Fai workers, our staff carried out a deep clean throughout the school on Friday and over the weekend. Here is a link to photos of the process which show the extent of the cleaning: HHIS-Big-Cleaning-Day.pdf
It was also good news that all other kitchen staff tested negative. The new team of fully vaccinated Epicure staff will remain in place for the remainder of this term.

Transitions to New Year Groups and Phases
Students through the school will be meeting their new teachers and getting to know their new class bases this week. For students moving from Year 6 into Year 7, this is a bigger step and transition activities with their different subject teachers have already been taking place to ease any worries and generate excitement for their step into Secondary Education.
Year 9 Interviews
A big well done to our Y9 students who have worked very hard to write application letters and create CVs for their preferred careers. They have now participated in mock career interviews and tackled challenging questions about their skills, passions and aspirations. We wish to say thank you to our interviewing team which consisted of Mike Staples, Jeremy Newton, James Burnett and Nadia Morrissey. Their support will help guide our students in their next steps as they soon begin their IGCSE studies. The feedback shared was very positive and will support every individual. Mr Lewis
An Introduction to the IB Diploma Programme
Last week our Year 11 students participated in a programme of IB taster sessions, giving them the opportunity to sample lessons in each of the IB subjects offered at HHIS. The taster programme also included lessons in the IB core (CAS, TOK and Extended Essay), as well as a virtual session with our higher education consultant, Mr. James Burnett. Students have now selected their options for August and are all looking forward to an exciting two years ahead.
Mr David
Eco Team
The Eco team will be celebrating their achievements this week. They have had a significant impact on the school. These are their actions so far:
- Recycling bins are installed throughout school and we are now actively recycling paper and plastic at the local recycling plant in HH.
- The Compost bins are fully finished, with 2 of the Y7 prototypes in use. We will start producing our own compost upon arrival in September and a selected group of students will be in charge of monitoring the process.
- All the Aquaponic garden parts have arrived so soon with a dedicated Eco Team group in place, we will get vegetables and fish ready to have our own organic garden.
- The gardening team has now designated an area for our project ´Little Gardens´, where each tutor group will design and maintain their own patch of land.
The Eco teams will expand next year and will be completing the aquaponics and garden projects. These are hugely exciting projects; seeing all their ideas coming to fruition is just wonderful. Thank you to Ms Alicia and Ms Lucy for guiding the team.

School Office Opening
Uniform can be purchased over the summer break. Our school office remains open with the exception of Public holidays.
Final Thoughts
As this year draws to a close we look forward to a smoother year ahead. Many of our staff have already been vaccinated against COVID-19 and more staff are having vaccinations today.
I would like to thank you for your valued support over the year, especially during some of our tougher times, but light can definitely be seen at the end of the tunnel. Exciting and more stable times are ahead. Our new academic year begins with a continued growth in enrolments, an expanded teaching team, opening of Y13, and the construction of our largest addition to facilities to date.
I look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday August 23rd.
Best wishes

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School