ILympics boosts fitness and fun!
Over the last three weeks it has been excellent to see our students taking on physical challenges at home as part of the iLympics event. This was a collaborative event with our sister school St Andrew’s Samakee and our first ever virtual sports fixture. We had almost 500 entries as a school and it was fantastic to see all of our participants working hard and persevering with a variety of activities. We hope that students will continue to keep active at home during this period of online learning. Mr Aaron.
Student Leadership for the Sustainable Development Goals
We are very proud to share an excellent student initiated project in Year 9 Humanities. Pinky, Rosie, Faby and Arisa have created a website, slideshow and video to help us all understand how we can support the Sustainable Development Goals and make Hua Hin an even better place: As a community, we can all work together to create change and help our environment. Please visit their website to learn more and use their interactive comment section to share your thoughts and ideas. Mr Lewis
World Maths Challenge Success Continues
Our students continue to do well in the ‘Puzzle of the Week’ global competition. Several of our year groups are holding on to their top place positions. It is all very close. Mr Rich reports that this week’s challenge is particularly tricky but you can do it. Every point counts!
Transition to Secondary
Students in Year 6 are starting transition sessions with secondary teachers this week as they prepare for their move to the secondary phase of their education. This is always an exciting time as they take the next big step on their life’s journey.
Our Year 11 students have now completed their IGCSE school based exams. Teachers are now collating evidence ready to send to Cambridge International Examinations Board. Everyone would like to pay great tribute to our Year 11 students for their resilience to extra challenges placed upon them over the last two years, for their hard work and for their positive attitude. Their results will be published in August and will undoubtedly reflect their commitment and mature attitude to learning.
This week, with the permission of the Governor of Prachuap Khiri Khan, Year 10 and Year 12 students will be taking part in end of year examinations. These will take place under strict exam conditions in order to give them experience ahead of their public examinations for IGCSEs and The International Baccalaureate Diploma. We wish them all the best.
Campus Reopening
I will inform you as soon as we have official notification from the Governor of Prachuap Khiri Khan regarding the reopening of the school. I expect this notification to come through in the next few days.
Best wishes

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School