Extra-Curricular Activities
We plan to begin ECAs after the Songkran holidays. These have always been an important part of school life. We will need to get a balance with the need to minimise the spread of Covid-19 but also enable our students to have access to a rich and broad range of activities. The emphasis will be on outdoor activities and we will need to restrict the size of ECAs that do take place within classrooms. We will also need to avoid mixing the different key stages within the ECAs. External providers for indoor activities will still not able to participate.
All those will certainly provide Mr Jeremy with a puzzle but as always he will do his best to organise a wide programme. The list of activities will be provided to parents before the Songkran break.
IGCSE PE Performances
A big well done to our Y11 IGCSE PE students for their recent dedication and performances in their chosen sports. They have enjoyed a variety of opportunities and in the recent weeks they visited True Arena to participate in volleyball games and drills together. All students have now successfully completed their PE coursework.

Library Books – Amnesty!
Our students love browsing through the wide selection of books of all genres and subjects in our calm and peaceful library. Our Librarian, Mr Steven has given students the opportunity to be involved in selection of favoured authors and book genres. This has all helped to promote an enjoyment of reading, which is so central to lifelong learning.
However, we are losing some of our precious books and some are not being returned by their due dates. We now need to introduce a system of fines for books that are overdue and we will also need to charge for books that are returned damaged or lost. This new system will start from the beginning of term 3.
Meanwhile there will be an amnesty on books that are being returned late. Your child might have books that are overdue so please have a good look around and return them before the end of this term.
Our library is a wonderful resource for us all. We always appreciate your help in continuing to enhance this facility and support the children’s love of reading.
Best wishes,

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School