Songkran Celebrations
We will be celebrating Songkran on Friday April 2nd, the last day of term, by holding a traditional water pouring ceremony and Thai Fair. This will include a Thai puppet show as well as making and tasting traditional Thai desserts.
Water-splashing activities cannot of course take place this year so instead, the Thai New year will be welcomed in by the sounds of our own student bands. It should be an enjoyable afternoon for them.
Everyone is encouraged to wear flowery shirts, as is the Thai tradition around the Songkran period.
Swimming Galas
Our swimming galas take place next week, which is very exciting as they will be our first galas in our new pool. Unfortunately, we are not now able to host parents. This is disappointing but we do need to follow all precautions. However, we will ‘live stream’ the events. A link will be sent to the parents of the Year groups participating so that you can watch and cheer them on from your homes.
More Maths Competition Success
Our mathematicians have been further excelling on the world stage in mathematics.
HHIS is currently overall 2nd in the world (1st in Thailand) and only 13 points off the lead. You may also note that the accuracy of our students is higher than the leaders at 92% compared to the leaders accuracy of 83%!
Year 9s and Year 10 students are currently 1st in their age groups. Y7 are in third place and Y8 in fourth place.
The next puzzle is not until the 11th April (during Songkran) so students will need to keep an eye on their emails and Google Classroom. There are only 10 puzzles left this year.

Non-uniform Day for Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand – Friday March 26th
Alex, Malou and Eiq-Q are raising funds for WFFT ( This forms part of their Year 10 IGCSE,’ studies on Global Perspectives’ and having researched the effects of elephant poaching, they are determined to help make a difference and seek your support.
One part of this fundraising is to hold a non-uniform day on Friday March 26th. This is open to everyone and the Y10 students are asking for a donation of 50thb, which can be given to class or form tutors in the morning.
Movie Night
Alex, Malou and Eiq-Q have also organised a movie night on Friday March 26th to further boost their fundraising for WFFT. Secondary students are invited to buy tickets for 150thb which also includes a snack and a drink. They can be bought in advance from Alex, Malou, Eiq-Q or Mr Chris . Mr Chris is happy to answer any questions about this event.
Primary Invitational Games
We wish our team of Year 5 and 6 athletes well as they travel to St Andrew’s International School, Green Valley to take part in swimming, football, basketball and Tee ball competitions on Thursday. They will compete against several other international schools. The Games have also been called the ‘Friendly Games’ due to the inclusive and sporting nature of the three days.
Last Week of ECAs
Just to remind you that this is the last week of ECAs for this term. The buses will all leave at 3:30pm in the week beginning March 29th.
Snack Attack Challenge – Year 7 and 8

Years 7 and 8 have spent this term researching and creating their own Fairtrade snack. These will be on sale in the canteen on Monday 29th March, starting at ฿20 and promise to be a tasty and terrific way to support farmers, both locally and further afield.

Enterprising Vlogs
This term Year 9 has been learning about vlogging and filmmaking in their English lessons. Last week, we were lucky to have the exciting opportunity to webchat with one of Thailand’s most popular vloggers, Ryan Otis (The Naked Guru in Asia, Ryan vlogs about his simple, rural, and sustainable life in northern Thailand. This was in accord with our students’ passion to become an EcoSchool. He answered questions about growing a YouTube channel from the beginning, inspiration, appealing to an audience, production schedules, filming equipment, and dealing with the challenges that come from being a public figure.
The following day, students then participated in a Dragons’ Den activity with Mr. Lewis and Mr. Dan. They pitched their YouTube channel ideas to the teachers and received feedback on how they could grow their enterprise. They had to think about budgets, niche audience appeal, content, and equipment. In the next two weeks, they will be using the advice given by Ryan, and the feedback they’ve received from the Dragons, to film and edit the scripts they have written. Mr. Dan
Gingerbread Man Escapes in Early Years
There was much excitement in Early Years last week, when the Gingerbread Man escaped from the EY1/2 and EY3 classrooms! The children looked everywhere to find him, until a cat, a dog and a pig who had seen him pointed them in the right direction. He was heard singing,”Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!” Eventually, the children located a satisfied fox, surrounded by gingerbread crumbs sitting next to the ‘river’ in the EY Garden. The cheeky Gingerbread Man had been tricked by the sly fox and gobbled up! The children are looking forward to learning to retell the story with words and actions, and will enjoy lots of Gingerbread Men play-based activities in the coming weeks. Ms Rachel