HHIS Chamber Choir perform at the Marriott
The HHIS Chamber Choir brought the sounds of Christmas to us with their beautiful harmonies and rich melodic renditions as they performed at the Marriott Resort and Spa under the lighting of the Christmas Tree. Congratulations to: Bravo, Mew, Asia, Michelle, Ellin, Milana, Sophia and to Ms Neina.
Thanks go to the Marriott Hotel for inviting our students and for providing refreshments in the mode of a European Christmas market. It was a delightful evening.
The occasion also marked the start of ‘Operation Smile’ fundraising events for our school and jointly with the Marriott. The evening raised 7,629 thb and we have many events coming up to further support this charity.

Operation Smile Events
Students in KS2, The Enterprise Club and Year 10 have all been working to organise fundraising events for the end of term. A summary of the events is below. The first event is our ‘Freewear’ day on Friday 3rd December. Students are encouraged to wear Christmas colours or the Blue and Red of Operation Smile. Students dressing up are asked to donate a suggested 50thb.
All the fundraising events at the end of term will go to Operation Smile to bring smiles to children born with cleft palates.
Bright Dawn Book Appeal
Many thanks for bringing in books for the local schools supported by Bright Dawn. Contributions of books in Thai or English from board books to teenage reads will be most appreciated and can be dropped off at our school gate.
Pick Up – Safety
May I remind parents that when collecting students from the Secondary gate, to pick up children from the left hand side only. Not only is it not safe to pick up students from the other side of the road but it is not polite to those who are queuing. Thank you.
Please note that there will not be any ECAS on the last day of term, Thursday December 9th. Buses will leave the school at 3:30pm in that day.
Events for the end of term

Best wishes

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School