New Basketball Court
As our school enrolments grow so do our facilities; our rather magnificent basketball court has now been completed. With Fobisia and interschool competitions coming up our students now have a full size court to enjoy and further develop their skills in a range of ball games. Students have been very quick to try out the new court.

Covers for the walk ways will be completed within the next two weeks.
No Nut School
This is a very important reminder that we do have children in the school who are extremely allergic to nuts. As you will know, contact with any form of nuts for these children can have very serious consequences. Can you please ensure that no nuts in any form are brought into school, this includes peanut butter. Thank you.
TT Rockstars – KS2 Launch
It was great to see the enthusiasm for learning ‘Times Tables’ generated by the Key Stage Two TT Rockstar day. Thank you for your support with this promotion and for encouraging children to learn their Time Tables. Automatic recall of multiplication tables is really beneficial for everyday life and assists with problem solving at a deeper level.

October’s Musical Spotlights
The composer of month is: Saint Saens. Some of his beautiful music will be played through the school over the next month. These are some of the pieces that students will be listening to if you would like to share the experience.
Carnival of the Animals – Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck
Danse Macabre – Listening Map
Symphony in C Minor – Auckland Symphony Orchestra
Zoe (Y5) is our Spotlighted Primary musician for October. Ms Neina recognises her great contribution to the KS2 choir. We will be hearing the choir in full voice in our Christmas events.
Mew (Y12) is the Secondary Musician for October. Mew entranced us so beautifully in the ‘Live Lunch’ held at the end of the last half term as she performed alongside Jess.

Parents Meetings – Monday October 24th
The link to make appointments to meet Primary teachers on Monday October 24th was sent out just before the half term holiday. If you haven’t received this or are experiencing technical difficulties, please contact K Kate :
Secondary parents do not need to have appointments:
Y10 – Y13 teachers will be available from 9.00 – 12.00
Y7 – Y9 teachers will be available from 13.30 – 15.30
We look forward to seeing you next week.
A defibrillator is being added to enhance our ability to respond to emergencies. Bewell Clinic have kindly advised us and staff will be receiving training next week.
Sun Safety
As part of their (Personal, Social, Health Education) lessons, the children in KS2 have been busy learning about ways in which they can stay safe in the sun. They learnt the Slip (on protective clothing), Slop (on suncream), Slap (on a hat), Seek (shade) , Slide (on protective sunglasses) rule. They have been busy creating eye-catching posters to remind the rest of the school how to keep their bodies safe in the sun.
We will be promoting sun safety across the school as hopefully, the rainy season starts to fades.

School Calendar for 2023/24
To help you with you forward planning, the school calendar for 2023/24 is now on our website.
Remembering King Rama IX

Best wishes,
Julie Way
Hua Hin International School