Remembering the Late King Bhumipol Adulyadej
In this last week before our half term holiday students across the school will be marking the memorial day of the Late King Bhumipol Adulyadej with an exhibition to show the achievements of King Rama IX. This will be on display during parents’ meetings on October 24th.
Welcome to Mr Pritpal
We give a warm welcome to Mr Pritpal who has just arrived in Hua Hin from London and will be joining Mr Rick on our Computing Team. Computer Science is really growing in popularity as an IGCSE and IB option. Mr Pritpal has a wealth of experience of working in industry and ten years of teaching in a London Academy and is very excited to be taking up his new post at our school.

HHIS Playgroup
HHIS Playgroup is back and it is thriving. The playgroup meets on Wednesday mornings and it is really buzzing with indoor and outdoor activities as well as plenty of time for socialising for the children and parents too. The story and singing session with the Playgroup Leader, Ms Lynn is a particular ‘hit’ with the children.

FOBISIA Maths Challenge
Well done to students in Y5 and Y6 and Secondary who participated in the FOBISIA Maths Codebreaker challenge. HHIS made the leaderboard with students completing a variety of coded-levels in the difficulty range 1 – 4. Level 4 was intended for IGCSE students so for students in our younger classes to complete this was particularly impressive! Well done for being intrepid, for being inspired and for thinking outside the box! We look forward to awarding certificates very soon. Congratulations. Mr Lewis

IGCSE Challenge Day
Our Year 10 & 11 students took part in a 10km hike organised by teachers and completed a variety of challenges on the course and in school. Every individual showed great leadership and energy, and we thank them for collecting rubbish and showing inclusive spirit throughout. Their creativity during the day was also excellent and they should feel proud of what they achieved and also of their proposed ideas. There is a lot to look forward to!
Ms Ali

Parent/Teacher Meetings
The link to enable you to make an appointment for parents meetings being held on October 24th will be sent to you on Thursday October 6th and the link will be open for you to make appointments up to October 20th.
Residential Visit
Mr David reports on the exemplary achievements of the Y12 and Y13 students.
Through their own organisation and dedication, Y12 and Y13 students raised a considerable sum of money for an underprivileged community in Northern Thailand. Even more importantly, they combined those funds with their time, care and dedication to make a real difference to the lives of Ban Pang Kwan students.
During our stay in Chiang Mai, students have built and rendered a new boundary wall, donated food and supplies to the school, conducted deep-cleaning of the canteen, initiated a rubbish collection on campus, taught new games and activities to the children and left positive lasting impressions with an entire community. In return, our IB students have learned new skills from local craftspeople, appreciated the Lanna cultural heritage and forged a great sense of community spirit and togetherness with Ban Pang Kwan.
Mr David, Mr Jeremy, Ms Emma and Ms Chris are keen to express their appreciation of the support given by parents and of the commitment and deep sense of community shown by the students.
Half Term Holiday
School will be closed for the half term holiday for the week of October 10th to 14th inclusive. We return to school on Monday October 17th and look forward to another lively period of learning and events.
Best wishes
Julie Way
Hua Hin International School