The school campus has been buzzing this week with the addition of ECAs before school, during lunchtimes, as well as after school. It is great to see that we are now running a total of over 90 different ECA activities across the school. This is another welcome indication of the resumption of ‘normal’ times.
Parents’ Meetings
We are also able to return to meeting parents in school to talk about students’ progress and well being. Please see the dates below for meetings this term. Further details of the appointment booking system will be sent out prior to each meeting.

Individual Instrumental lessons
We can once again begin to offer instrumental music lessons. K Klao is able to return for Singing lessons and K Chai is able to return to give guitar lessons. These lessons will begin after the half term holiday. Students may need to take time out of normal curriculum lessons. If you are interested in your child having lessons please complete the Googleform before the end of September Thank you.
University Fair
On Thursday 15th September, we are delighted to host the inaugural HHIS University Fair. Representatives from respected universities in the UK, Europe, and Thailand will set up booths in our meeting room and be available for further discussions about higher education. There will also be virtual links to additional UK institutions and also Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Our University Advisor, Mr. James Burnett will be on hand to give further advice to parents and students. Further details will be sent out at the end of this week and will also be available on our social media accounts.
Mr Dan
Workshops this week.
This is a reminder that three workshops for parents are being held this week. Working closely with parents is very important to us and a close partnership can greatly benefit children’s learning. We look forward to warmly welcoming you this week. Please park in the area at the end of the Sports Field.

Best wishes,
Julie Way
Hua Hin International School