Swimming Galas
Our swimming galas are planned to go ahead in the last week of this term as we lead up to the Songkran holiday. The events will take place over 3 days so that we can ensure social distancing for parents in the stands.

Youths for Sustainable Goals Conference
During the half term break, several intrepid Secondary students joined a weekend-long online conference led by Youths for Sustainable Development Goals. Here they joined many other innovative individuals in challenges and projects to highlight the United Nations development goals. Leah (Yr 10) and Gianna (Yr 12) were highly commended for their participation and received prizes for winning several of the breakout session activities. Congratulations to all who took part and we look forward to more challenges with the Youths for SDGs in the future.

Online Poachbusters Challenge
Thank you to all who participated in the Poachbusters challenge.
Congratulations to Alisa for winning with her beautiful clay model elephants! Also congratulations to Rafael for being extremely

innovative and creating his own homemade paper and winning the runner-up prize. A special mention to class 5p for all participating in the challenge! (Alex Y10)
Thank you to Alex, Malou and EigQ for organising this challenge and raising awareness of the practice of elephant poaching.

Environmental and Global Issues – Topic news
Year 2 discussed the impact of pollution and what we can do to make a difference. The children were given the task of trying to ‘unpollute’ the water by using a range of different equipment like funnels, filter paper, pippets and tweezers.
They all predicted that they could ‘unpollute’ the water but on reflection found that it was very difficult. They concluded it is much better to not pollute the water in the first place! (Ms Jo)

Year 6 took part in their first debate of the year. They debated for and against the fast fashion industry, for and against the use of facial recognition in CCTV to fight crime and whether or not they thought a group of humans would survive if left alone on a desert island. (Mr Rob)

Year 9 – Human Digital Art
A glimpse into the Art Room, this week revealed Year 9 creating an amazing collage of drawings using their feet and hands. The finer drawings that followed were quite stunning.
Thank you to the parents who attended the ‘Supporting Reading at HHIS’ workshop. It was great to discuss how parents can support the work we do with children’s reading at school and to promote the enjoyment of reading! If you were unable to make the session, I have sent the slides to the parents of Years 3 to 6, with some ideas to help support your child’s reading at home. (Mr Matt)
Ms Rachel would also like to thank all the parents who attended the Early Years Workshop to find out more about active learning in the Early Years. Working with parents to support children’s learning is really important and is of huge benefit to the children. Slides from the presentation have been shared with parents.
Non-Uniform Day
Friday February 26th is a non-uniform day organised by students Tilly and Lydia, to raise funds to enable Soi dogs to be sterilised, cared for and immunised. The Soi Dogs Foundation has now been chosen as it is a registered charity. The suggested donation on Friday is 50THB.
Staff news
We are delighted to give our warmest congratulations to Ms Jess and Mr Aaron on the birth of their son, Freddie.
Best wishes,

Julie Way
Hua Hin International School