HHIS Newsletter – October 31st 2022

HHIS Newsletter – October 31st 2022

Loy Krathong CelebrationsNext week we will be celebrating Loy Krathong. This traditional Thai festival is one of the most beautiful, and is a time to give appreciation for the preciousness of water. Our students will be making Krathongs in the traditional way; the...
HHIS Newsletter – October 24th 2022

HHIS Newsletter – October 24th 2022

Secondary Drop Off and Pick UpConstruction of a covered walk way from the secondary school building to the drop off/pick up point is currently underway. There has been a delay on the covers for the walkways; they will now all be completed in November. The next step in...
HHIS Newsletter – October 17th 2022

HHIS Newsletter – October 17th 2022

New Basketball CourtAs our school enrolments grow so do our facilities; our rather magnificent basketball court has now been completed. With Fobisia and interschool competitions coming up our students now have a full size court to enjoy and further develop their...
HHIS – Newsletter October 3rd 2022

HHIS – Newsletter October 3rd 2022

Remembering the Late King Bhumipol AdulyadejIn this last week before our half term holiday students across the school will be marking the memorial day of the Late King Bhumipol Adulyadej with an exhibition to show the achievements of King Rama IX. This will be on...
HHIS Newsletter – September 26th 2022

HHIS Newsletter – September 26th 2022

Fundraising Success and ThanksYear 12 and 13 students would like to thank everyone who contributed to the bake sale and the Movie Night. The events were beyond successful and allowed us to raise a grand total of 42,885 baht. All the money will be used to purchase...

HHIS Newsletter – September 19th 2022

University FairLast week’s University Fair marked another milestone in the development of our school. There was a real buzz as students and parents gained information from representatives from a range of universities. The representatives were impressed with the...
HHIS Newsletter – September 12th 2022

HHIS Newsletter – September 12th 2022

Parent WorkshopsI do hope you enjoyed last week’s workshops and found them informative. Here is a reminder of those that are taking place over the next week: Please park in the car park at the end of the field for these workshops. Thank you. Additional...

HHIS Newsletter – September 5th 2022

The school campus has been buzzing this week with the addition of ECAs before school, during lunchtimes, as well as after school. It is great to see that we are now running a total of over 90 different ECA activities across the school. This is another welcome...
HHIS Newsletter – August 29th 2022

HHIS Newsletter – August 29th 2022

The first week back in school was a very happy one. It is always such a pleasure to see students making new friends and settling back into school life. Students have returned with a real gusto for learning. ECAs will begin this week and this will open up further...
HHIS Newsletter – August 22nd 2022

HHIS Newsletter – August 22nd 2022

It was a real joy to welcome parents back on to the campus on Friday and today there was further jubilation and excitement as we welcomed all our students back into school. It is the first full opening of our campus for two years and staff were also really fired up...